Kiki Health Organic Nature's Living Superfood -150g
Kiki Health Organic Superfood :
To ensure a perfectly balanced day, KIKI HEALTH offers Nature's Living Superfood, composed of 32 ingredients carefully selected and cultivated to fill your gaps in nutrients, probiotics and vitamins.
Its herbal composition, probiotics and enzymes facilitates digestion for better absorption of nutrients.
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To have a healthy diet, it is recommended to eat fruits and vegetables every day. The intense pace of our lives does not always allow it, that's why KIKI HEALTH has developed Nature's Living Superfood to help with this daily needs of our body with 32 ingredients including vegetables, algae, probiotics and enzymes.
KIKI HEALTH's Nature's Living dietary supplement comes in the form of a fine powder that you can easily dissolve in your fruit juices or in water.
Organic food supplement, gluten free and vegan
Does not contain artificial colors, preservatives, sweeteners or substitutes.
Nature's Living, the organic Superfood that provides you balance :
Organic Spirulina is an excellent source of iron, protein and antioxidants. In addition, it boosts the immune system.
Kale, or cabbage kale, is rich in fiber, vitamins, iron and calcium, it is ideal for fighting against eye infections.
Kelp is an alga slimming properties since it brings you a boost of energy, it helps to fight against cellulite.
Nettle leaves contain many minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron and vitamins to strengthen the immune system.
Ginger root improves digestion while accelerating the metabolism of the body and now the intestinal flora.
Wheat grass contains vitamins and minerals, it is known to reduce blood pressure and to be detoxifying.
Prebiotics contribute to good digestion and the maintenance of intestinal flora.
What are Kiki Healths Nature's Living Superfood benefits for the body?
Cleans and detoxifies the body
Helps the intestines, liver and kidneys function properly
Strengthens the immune system
Improves digestion
Brings to the body all the nutrients it needs
Usage and conservation tips:
We advise you to start gradually, first with 1/2 teaspoon per day then increase to 1 full or more depending on your needs.
Mix with water or if you prefer, sprinkle / mix with your food.
Keep in a dry place away from light. Do not put in the refrigerator.
Feuilles d'ortie, herbe de blé, herbe d'orge, prêle, jus d'herbe de luzerne, caroube, racine de bardane, racine de gingembre, cactus Nopal, jus d'orge, jus d'herbe de bléjus d'herbe d'avoine, feuille de pissenlit, chou frisé, brocoli, chou, Fruit d'Amla.
Spiruline, Chlorella (paroi cellulaire brisée), Varech, Fucus Vesiculosus.
Lipase *, Cellulase *, Protease *, Amylase *, Bromélaïne *, Papaïne *.
Lactobacillus Acidophilus *, Bifidobacterium Breve *,
Bifidobacterium Infantis *, Bifidobacterium Longum *
* Ingrédient non bio
Organic Nature’s Living Superfood n'est pas dilué avec de la pomme, des fibres, du riz, du son, de l'orge, du malt, du son d'avoine, des solides de riz, de la lécithine ou autre !
Convient aux végétariens.
Pas de colorants artificiels, conservateurs, édulcorants ou substituts.
Quelle est la posologie
Bonjour Maurice,
Nous vous conseillons de commencer progressivement, tout d'abord avec 1/2 cuillère à café par jour puis augmentez jusqu'à 1 complète ou plus en fonction de vos besoins.
Bonjour, y a-t-il des efffets secondaires possibles ?
Bonjour Jessica,
Il n'y a pas d'effets secondaires pour ce complément alimentaire. Nous vous recommandons toutefois de bien vérifier que vous n'êtes pas allergique à un des ingrédients.