Epycure Peaceful & Serene Sleep Cure capsules
Sleep food supplement
EPYCURE's Peaceful & Serene Sleep Cure significantly improves the quality of sleep.
For whom : People prone to sleep disorders, stressed and tired.
Result : Faster falling asleep and more restful sleep.
Why we love it : Its unique formula that reconciles you with sleep, without any addiction or habituation.
Size : 60 capsules

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Sleep is vital and inseparable from mental & physical well-being. However, various factors such as mental load, stress, poor lifestyle can disrupt it.
EPYCURE's Peaceful & Serene Sleep Cure helps you regain control of your sleep.
Indeed, it allows a faster sleep and restful nights.
The secret of this sleep food supplement ? It acts on relaxation by reducing the mental load for a peaceful sleep.
It is recommended to follow this cure for 3 months to fight durably against chronic sleep disorders such as insomnia and nocturnal awakenings.
How does Epycure's sleep food supplement improve the quality of sleep :
Thanks to its calming properties, the poppy promotes rapid sleep and quality sleep.
Soothing, magnesium exerts a relaxing effect on the nervous system by relaxing the muscles and reducing irritability.
Vitamin B6 participates in the natural synthesis of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep cycles and in particular promotes falling asleep.
Spirulina promotes falling asleep and fights against repeated nocturnal awakenings.
Oxyde de magnésium - Enveloppe de la gélule : hypromellose, colorant (complexe cuivre-chlorophylles et chlorophyllines) - Fibres d'acacia - Poudre de spiruline (Spirulina platensis) - Extrait de pétale de coquelicot (Papaver rhoeas L.) - Anti-agglomérant : stéarate de magnésium - Acétate de dl-alpha-tocophérol (vitamine E) - Citrate de zinc - Acétate de rétinol (vitamine A) - Chlorhydrate de pyridoxine (vitamine B6) - Sélénite de sodium 91% d’ingrédients d’origine naturelle
This list of ingredients is subject to change, please consult the packaging of the product purchased.
Marielle - the 30/04/2024
Effets rapides
Un peu sceptique au départ, j’ai rapidement vu des effets : sommeil plus facile à prendre, moins de réveils nocturnes, … J’ai pris la cure pendant 2 mois sans effet secondaire et avec un bon accompagnent et une clarté quant à l’utilisation. C’est une cure que je renouvellerai sans souci dès que nécessaire. - Avis publié à l'origine sur epycure.com
Sandra - the 30/04/2024
Vous dormez comme un bébé
Efficacité redoutable ! Je prends une gélule car c'est suffisant pour moi. Je dors d'une traite ce qui ne m'étais pas arrivé depuis des mois. Je recommande à 100%. - Avis publié à l'origine sur epycure.com